22 January - Photographer of the Week

Check out the fantastic bird photographer Arthur Morris. An ex-teacher his site, bulletins and blog have oodles of educational tips and comments, interpersed with stunning bird photographs and the occasional landscape.

15 January - Chartridge

Last weekend brought a somewhat hairy trip down south to Buckinghamshire for the wedding of my sister-in-law. I managed a couple of shots in the snow.

15 January - Photographer of the week

Chris Friel is based in the south of England. He uses a Canon 5Dii and shoots with tilt and shift lenses. He shoots mainly in black and white in JPEG with a red filter on within the camera. He has done well in the Take A View Landscape Photography competition and is one of the stars of Flickr. He has a somewhat unique style and experiments alot. I find many of his photographs inspirational and he challenges a lot of the standard landscape techniques.

Check out his Flickr site here.

And his main website here.

08 January - Photographer of the week

Check out the French minimalist master Michel Rajkovic. Although minimalism is not to everyone's taste I like it and enjoy trying to replicate it's masters.

07 January 2010 - Snow and more snow

Another day and another snow storm. This is a long exposure of a storm over the coast south of Filey and I have left it in colour as I like the monochrome feel. I used a B&W 10xND filter to reduce the light hitting the sensor of my Canon 7D and shielded the lens from the snow with the tailgate of the car and a Lee filters lens hood (which is a huge beast!)

01 January - Happy New Year

Unfortunately for some the snow limits the celebrations. I managed to get to the coast (only 2 miles form the house) to get some more long exposure shots. I have not taken any shots of the snow yet!

This year I am going to recommend sites that I visit and enjoy or inspire me. I hope to add one each week. The first is that of David Burdeny. He has a unique approach to minimalism and I am particularly fascinated by his photos from 2009 of Paris and Venice.