29 July - Some photos from the last month

Common woodpigeon (Columba palumbus) flies over

Here are a couple of shots from my 'Captive and Wild' project. This aims to show nature in its wild state and that that is held captive by humans, sometimes 'for it's own sake' and sometimes for ours. I'll let you choose which when I put the gallery on the mainprize.net website in the next month or so.

Wild - mandarin duck (Aix galericulata)

Captive - Hornbill

Red kite (Milvus milvus)

Art? - Go and express yourself

Common woodpigeon (Columba palumbus)

I continue to explore photographic art. I much prefer the impressionist style as it allows me to create more than just a photograph. I appreciate this style is not for everyone, but as I surf many photographers sites I ask what is different? What is unique? Many take the same view with just slightly different light.

This weekend I visited The Red Bus Gallery at Burton Agnes Hall, to see a friend's photographic exhibition. He has taken some gorgeous images of the Yorkshire coast at the extremes of the day, and has started experimenting with movement and dynamism within his shots. I had told him about a programme called Fractalius that I had been impressed by, but cannot use as it is PC only and I use Macs. He had sold a great photo of Roseberry Topping to  a couple who had appreciated photos by Joe Cornish and others, but bought Ian's shot because it was different to all the others. Check the image out on his website.

Whilst I appreciate straight photos are for some, why not experiment and put a bit of yourself across in your creations.

Check out Ian Meek's site here - Clearview Photos.

My return

I have been doing photographic projects and the first has just been added to my website:

This depicts an abstract view of the mountains and valleys in Switzerland. We stayed in Lauterbrunnen, having driven there from Geneva. Interestingly the Swiss transport network is so good and reliable that we did not use the car at all until we returned to the airport.

The photos were processed in Lightroom and Photoshop. If you want specifics just let me know.