Common woodpigeon (Columba palumbus)
I continue to explore photographic art. I much prefer the impressionist style as it allows me to create more than just a photograph. I appreciate this style is not for everyone, but as I surf many photographers sites I ask what is different? What is unique? Many take the same view with just slightly different light.
This weekend I visited The Red Bus Gallery at
Burton Agnes Hall, to see a friend's photographic exhibition. He has taken some gorgeous images of the Yorkshire coast at the extremes of the day, and has started experimenting with movement and dynamism within his shots. I had told him about a programme called
Fractalius that I had been impressed by, but cannot use as it is PC only and I use Macs. He had sold a great photo of Roseberry Topping to a couple who had appreciated photos by Joe Cornish and others, but bought Ian's shot because it was different to all the others. Check the image out on his website.
Whilst I appreciate straight photos are for some, why not experiment and put a bit of yourself across in your creations.
Check out Ian Meek's site here -
Clearview Photos.