Flamborough - be careful walking on the Yorkshire coast

Summer Rose in winter
Nikon D800E 16-35 30secs@f13

There is a lot of coastal erosion in this area and with all the wet weather we have had and the freezing nights the coastal paths are extremely slippery.

The car park at Thornwick Bay is closed as it is on a field and that is basically just a pool of mud.

Whilst taking these images I went full length and injured a finger, which I caught in my tripod. That is one of the pitfalls of photography - you watch the gear more than yourself and when you fall you usually look after the camera first - if you have time to think. Certainly the last couple of times I have slipped - on wet rocks and mud - I have saved the camera in preference to me. Daft, but essentially reflex.

Flamborough North Landing X
Nikon D800E 45 PCE - stitch of 3 images
So tread carefully and be aware.

Rome - a tourist's mecca

To me Rome is:



Roman graffiti, Via Appia Antica

Piazza della Rotonda I

Vatican Museum I


Vatican Museum II

Rainbow over Rome

Via Appica Antica I

Francis of Assisi

Yellow-legged gull from Il Vittoriano

Piazza Navona

And I love it!

I have added images from my latest trip to the Rome gallery.

Roaming in Rome

Once again we are in Rome and have been for the last week. We are waiting to fly back to the UK today.

This is our second recent visit to the capitol city of Italy and it was very different from the last. Not only was the last in May when it was hot and dusty, but this was in winter when there was rain, cold and even temperatures around freezing. We had thunder too. Unlike last time the hotel was slightly further out from the tourist sites and I shall outline the lessons from this when we return. In fact I have several lessons to point out about travelling as a photographer with a project and images in mind. My aim was to capture the people of Rome, the tourists, and how they contribute to the city. The impressions I got of Rome this time were noise, chaos and graffiti and dirt. I hope to portray this more in my images than the last trip where I aimed to look at the romanticism. Both trips I hoped to portray the juxtaposition of the history and the modern.

For images from the previous trip look at the Rome gallery by clicking here.