15 May - Muston moths

A great night of colour at last!
More cinnabars (Tyria jacobaea).

Firsts of the year:
a pebble prominent (Notodonta ziczac)

a coxcomb prominent (Ptilodon capucina)

and a pale tussock moth (Calliteara pudibunda).

It is nights like this that make mothing so worthwhile. Although there were no new moths for the garden the range last night was good. Unfortunately this means an even earlier rise to photograph them. At least it is a lie in compared to landscape photography!

For the techno buffs amongst us:
All the above photographs were taken on a Canon 40 D and a Canon 180 L macro lens with fill flash from a Canon MT24EX, all supported either on a shoulderpod or a tripod. The Raw files were developed in Adobe Lightroom when the exposure and fill-in was adjusted. Adobe Photoshop was then used to resize and convert the Tiffs to jpegs for upload. This process involved Neat Image noise reduction and then sharpening using unsharp mask.

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