25 July - Cleveland Way

Nettle Dale

One of my current projects, that has been ongoing for a couple of years, is to produce a series of fine art prints of the Cleveland Way. So every now and then my wife and I walk another part of it. The secret to this is not just to walk in one direction. Most set off from Helmsley and walk to Sutton Bank. We decided to get the bus to Sutton Bank and walk back to Helmsley. If we had not I am sure we would have missed this view of the town and castle:


The great thing about walking at this time of year is the wildlife. There are more species of butterfly than any other time of year and the flowers are stunning. All you need is good weather (although as a photographer I like changeable weather).

Rosebay willowherb (Chamerion angustifolium)

Scented mayweed (Matricaria recutita)

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