
Vision is the art of seeing an image and then creating it. (To read about vision visit the website Craft & Vision and the teachings of the brilliant David duChemin)

Many argue that the equipment is not important, but I would beg to differ - a little. You have to have the equipment you need, as well as the photographic skill, and the couple this with the creative juices and technical ability, either in the darkroom or on the computer (or even both) to turn the original photograph into your vision.

Below are a couple of images that I used a special lens to create. I knew what I wanted and I could have generated at least one of them with Photoshop, but the lens allowed me to get closer to my vision in camera. This saved time at the computer so I could spend more of the most precious resource (time) doing what I love - photography outdoors. It also meant less manipulation and thus less pixel loss/degradation.

Blowing in the wind
Canon 5D2 Lensbaby Composer Single glass f4
Taken with the wind blowing the reeds to create movement. Processed to be relatively high key as I like light images.

Up the trunk
Nex 5N Lensbaby Til Transformer Double glass f2.8
Taken to use the Lensbaby to distort the edges and emphasis the beaches sticking out like pins in a pin-cushion. 
For more information on Lensbabies visit their website.

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