07 May - Muston moths

Singles of powdered quaker, small quaker and hebrew character.

There was a cockchafer (Melolantha melolantha). This is the most familiar of our chafers and is often called the 'Maybug'. The adult beetle flies at night and often crashes into lit windows on warm evenings in early summer. Its large size (25-35 mm long) and buzzing flight make it a little frightening, but the beetle is quite harmless and will not bite or sting.

Adult chafers eat the leaves and flowers of many deciduous trees, shrubs and other plants, but rarely cause any serious damage in the UK. However their grubs live in the soil and feed on plant roots, especially those of grasses and cereals, and are occasional pests in pastures, nurseries, gardens, and in grassy amenity areas like golf-courses, where they can cause damage.

More in the insects gallery.

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