01 July - Muston moths

Male large fruit-tree tortrix (Archips podana)

Minimum temp 13.4
Moth species count 41
Total moth count 80

New for the garden was a green arches and a male large fruit-tree tortrix (Archips podana). New for the year were single-dotted wave, green pug, a very early centre-barred sallow, bird-cherry ermine, apple ermine, Coleophora striatipenella, and a female bee moth.

A rather worn green arches (Anaplectoides prasina)

Brown house-moth (Hofmannophila pseudospretella)
This is the common moth found in houses.

Bird-cherry Ermine (Yponomeuta evonymella)
The ermine species are often very similar however this one has 5 rows of black dots on its forewings.

Eyed hawkmoth
(Smerinthus ocellata)

Lesser swallow prominent (Pheosia gnoma)

Dark/grey dagger (Acronicta tridens/psi)
To tell the two moths apart dissection of vital organs is necessary. They are named after their markings.

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