02 May - A variable week on the Yorkshire coast

A week of variable weather. It is hard to believe that a few days ago most were wandering around in short-sleeved T-shirts when now they cannot get enough layers on.

Here are a few shots from the week.

The herald
A bank of cloud approaches bringing with it another deluge to the North Yorkshire coast.

Into the bay
These rocks are rarely seen as they are located in an area of Scarborough that few seem to go, in fact I have never seen anyone else there unless the tide is right out.

Filey bank 2
This bank of lesser celandines and daffodils looked beautiful and heralded the arrival of spring.

Beach sun
Filey Bay - exposed for the sun reflecting on the wet sand then brightened with fill-light and dodging in Lightroom and Photoshop.

Raincliffe anemones
I used a 24 mm tilt and shift lens to shorten the depth of field and emphasise the flowers in the foreground.

Beacon and beach
Filey at night with Flamborough lighthouse in the distance.

Double desecration
Taken in Cayton Bay this is part of my Obsenity of Filth project - how man leaves a mark that defaces the beauty of nature.

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